My signature 1:1 coaching program for the Goddess that is ready to take charge of her love life, access her pleasure in ways she never before, fall deeply in love with herself and call in the beloved of her dreams. 


Being the Love

You've nailed the killer career, the circle of girlfriends, feel comfortable in your own skin...

But the one piece you can't figure out is how to get the relationship you desire.

You're exhausted from going on shitty dates with guys that looked great on the apps... but they're fizzling out after a few weeks, or ghosting, or just confusing AF.

Does this feel familiar?

The app fatigue and dating feels like a job you're ready to quit but the anxiety of possibly being single forever continues to torment you.

You're sick of doubting yourself and feeling insecure. Questioning: Am I too much, Am I not enough at the same time?

Showing up like this perfect version of yourself

Pretending to be the cool girl that is down for whatever when really you’re not

Holding back your needs asking for what you really want because you may be asking for too much or show up too needy 

Comparing yourself to others who have the love and it just doesn't add up why you don't have him

You're tired of

What if you felt

like this


Unshakeable in your faith that your dream partner is on his way to you... and in the meantime derive pleasure from your dating journey

Confident and Connected to your innate femininity and radiant turn on

Clear on what hasn't been working in your love life and why, and heal all of it so that you can finally have the relationship you desire

Supported and safe knowing you have a trusted dating advisor to help you level up FAST

Love notes




How to activate your pussy power and step into your Modern Goddess self

How to embody your desire and connect to your turn on with every fiber of your being

How to feel free in creating the intimacy you crave without worry or fear of rejection




During this container you'll learn

Embody your authenticity and vulnerability, and have it be your 


Unpack your subconscious beliefs so you can                    with your desires


Confidently                                      getting attuned to what you really need and knowing exactly how to ask for it


Let go of the beliefs and                   the wounds that you have about men that have been holding you back, and finally start to see and approach men in a way that allows you to see their greatness


are you ready to

So that you can

Call in and create the juicy blissed out mutually harmonious relationship you desire

Bring your magnetic, turned-on self into all of the relationships in your life

Experience the healing and pleasure on a level that you didn't know was possible

Create a lasting and stable foundation for your future family

It’s time to be seen, heard, understood, to feel safe and to experience epic


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